Colors To Provide In A Brand Identity Deck
We know you've spent time perfecting the colors for your client's brand deck. You've narrowed in on their notes for the perfect "cool blue" or "fun green" and are ready to deliver the final selections to your client. Let's talk about the things to do and things to avoid to streamline the process for these beautiful designs.
When presenting a brand deck to a client, be sure to include the following 4 color codes for each of their brand colors:
1. Pantone (Coated and Uncoated)
2. Hex Code
3. RBG Values
Below is an example of how you can present the brand colors. To help your customer, you can add the Pantone colors as: 267C and 267U just in case the customer is asked anything about Coated or Uncoated colors.
Of course selecting your identity is exciting and important for consistent brand imagery, so let's take note of a few things to avoid, if possible. A caveat here are customers who are only ever going to print 1-2 physical items at a small run. They can easily use the more expensive color options without issue.
Now that you've got the insider tips, ready to start your next project?